Bild eines Ehepaars im Grünen
Foto: AdobeStock 54832739 Ingo Bartussek

In need of care - what to do?

Loss of strength, accident, illness - if people in need of care are suddenly dependent on long-term help, their care must be ensured. Their everyday life also needs to be reorganized.

Affected persons and relatives are faced with many questions:

  • What are the first steps?
  • What entitlements to help do I have?
  • Where can I get support?

First steps

Bild Frau hilft Oma beim Anziehen
Foto: AdobeStock 356641809 pikselstock

How much support do I need?

  • What does "in need of care" actually mean?
  • How can I find out how much help I need?
  • A checklist to help you think
Bild Ehepaar auf der Strasse
Foto: AdobeStock_309013528 Ingo Bartussek

When you can't do it alone

  • When is a person considered to be in need of care?
  • What care levels are there?
  • How to submit an application to the long-term care insurance fund
Bild einer Pflegeberatung zu Hause
Foto: AdobeStock_431495590 Rido

Use the help of experts

  • Where can I find suitable advice?
  • What topics are advised on?
  • How does a care consultation work?
Bild Gruppe von Menschen mit Behinderung
Foto: AdobeStock 72896592 Olesia Bilkei

Participation, care, assistance

  • Who determines the disability?
  • Who will advise me if I have questions about a disability?
  • What benefits are disabled people entitled to?
Bild Frau auf Sofa in Sorge
Foto: AdobeStock_473716147 Dragana Gordic

Do I want to care for it myself?

  • What are my limits?
  • Assess yourself realistically
  • How can I create a network?
Bild Sohn spricht mit Vater
Foto: AdobeStock_200362717 zinkevych

Getting into conversation with each other

  • When is the right time?
  • How do I broach the subject?
  • What to do if the parents refuse help?
Bild Mann sitzt auf Krankenhausbett
Foto: AdobeStock_241520187 Robert Kneschke

What happens next?

  • Who helps to organize further care?
  • What questions do I need to clarify?
  • What do I need to look out for on the day of discharge?
Bild Hand mit Schrift zum Erinnern
Foto: AdobeStock_47118886 Osterland

What offers are there?

  • What is dementia?
  • How can I recognize dementia?
  • What does the diagnosis of dementia mean?

The path to a care degree

Bild Frau hilft Oma beim Treppengang
Foto: AdobeStock_180542036 goodluz

Prerequisite for long-term care insurance benefits

  • Why is the application so important?
  • How is the need for support determined?
  • What exactly do the care levels mean?
Foto: Älteres Paar arbeit gemeinsam am Notebook
Foto: Adobestock_448543100_whyframeshot

Kostenlose Erst-Einschätzung

  • Was ist der Pflegegradrechner?
  • Wie funktioniert er?
  • Berechnung des Pflegegrades.
Bild Pflegerin bespricht sich mit Frau im Rollstuhl
Foto: AdobeStock_467853249 pressmaster

This is how the assessment works

  • How does the assessment work?
  • How can I prepare for the visit?
  • What rules apply to children?
Bild Ehepaar sitzt vor Laptop und rechnet
Foto: AdobeStock_186030896 DavidPrado

Against the decision of the care insurance fund

  • What do I need to bear in mind when lodging an objection?
  • Must the objection be justified?
  • What happens after the objection?